Sunday, March 28, 2010

to do today or not

One project a week, that should get me caught up so that I can buy new ones. I am officially on restriction from buying. My New Years resolution was to stop my compulsive shopping habits or at least use what I have before I fill my tiny little house with out of control projects.

My garden is started. Weeded. Carrots, Leeks, Beets, Chard, Peas, Cabbage and Potatoes are planted. Now if I could only tell my cats that there are precious seeds and to stay away! Additional fencing to come.

Sourdough starter (Mother) is ready to go. I should have a fresh baked loaf tomorrow at some point. So thankful to have friends to remind me how simple it is to do these things. All the mother wants is the be loved a little and she will provide years of love. Hopefully I will be ambitious enough to keep her kicking that long.

My mind is always flooded with a to do list. The good things and the bad. I sometimes feel like it is so overcrowded that I am going to forget something great and I often do.

I started a sort of "bucket list" or what ever you want to call it. But for me it was more of a way to sort my thoughts. I always want to go somewhere or learn to do something new. So it is a way for me to sort my want to dos from my have to dos. The stuff I may not get to right away but I will sooner or later. Like when all of that other stuff I need to do is done.

Any whoo, Magazines, I can't seem to get rid of them, I heart them.

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